Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy

Since August 1979 Shields have been the world leaders in optimising network assets for telecoms operators across the globe and are leaders in the environment. We help turn cost centres into revenue streams and, as a result, we have enabled our clients to manage their networks with maximum financial efficiency and care for the environment.

Shields was founded with a unique mission that closely links the interests of business with a passion for the environment.

Since August 1979 Shields have been the world leaders in optimising network assets for telecoms operators across the globe and are leaders in the environment. We help turn cost centres into revenue streams and, as a result, we have enabled our clients to manage their networks with maximum financial efficiency and care for the environment.

The Environment is at the heart of our business model. 

Shields enable full environmental compliance for our customers across the globe as an integral part of our daily operations. Environmental excellence is part of our DNA and is a strategic part of our business for driving customer value creation and protecting and enhancing customer brands. 

We were one of the first companies in the world to minimise and report on our environmental impacts. Social and Governance focus has always been part of Shields focus to drive and enable our growth into many countries across the globe. This year we will publicly report all aspects of our ESG policy to show our employees, customers and all stakeholders how important this is to us.

The Board has set targets for the issues described and will report publicly on them. 


Our environmental policy deals with both the positive effects we have on the environment and the minimisation of negative impacts. Our far largest potential Environmental impact is the management of surplus and redundant equipment from the telecoms sector – receiving 1000’s of tonnes of this equipment annually -we therefore deal with that separately from the operation of our facilities.


Focus Why Measure of Success Year End 2021 Result
1 Conserve Natural Resources and create savings of CO2 emissions. The largest potential impact from our business is the treatment of the telecoms industries surplus and redundant equipment. Shields strategy is to create a positive environmental impact by focusing on re-use , the highest form of recycling.  This year Shields have developed and introduced its new tool MarketPlace which revolutionises the management of surplus assets -maximising environmental efficiency by negating CO2 emissions and bringing our customers significant financial benefits.   Number of units redeployed through the business (MarketPlace) calculating the  Co2 emissions negated from avoiding manufacturing of new equipment.  Year end 30 June 2020 is our benchmark period and we will report on this baseline. 
2 Conserving natural resources that cannot be re-used. We receive several thousand tonnes of equipment annually that is not suitable for re-use – our strategy is to securely recycle this material back into productive use –  conserving natural resources and negating the need to mine several thousand tonnes of ore each year. Achieve >90% recovery rate from handled materials. Year end 30th June 2020 is our benchmark period and we will report on this baseline.
3 Minimise Environmental Impacts of our own operations and facilities. Although our far biggest potential impact is the management of the telecoms industry’s surplus assets we also are conscious of the need to minimise the impacts from our business operations and facilities. Benchmark Shields natural resource consumption from each location and target improvement year on year. Year end 30th June 2020 is our benchmark period and we will report on this baseline.



Our Social Policy deals with both the positive effects we have on the community in which we operate and the internal Shields family community.


Focus Why Measure of Success Year End 2021 Result
4 Community Support Communities are what keep us all together, whether that is at work or at home. We want to make sure that our employees can support their local community by allowing them time to help and support the matters which are closest to their own heart.

Provide one “Give & Gain” day per employee per year to volunteer with a charity of their choice. 


Measure by % uptake of staff. 

Year end 30 June 2021 will be set as our baseline.


Give & Gain day to be introduced effective 1st July 2020.   

5 Social Recruitment Our biggest asset are our people. We want to make sure that we offer entry level jobs to those who need them and give them a chance in the telecom industry. 

We will create our own apprenticeship & academy training packages to allow those who show the enthusiasm and drive to shine.


Ensure >2% of our global engineering teams are developed through our apprenticeship and academy scheme.

Year end 30 June 2021 will be set as our baseline.


Apprenticeships & academy will be effective 1st July 2020.   

6 Employee Development Shields do not offer jobs, we offer careers. By ensuring that our employees are happy and engaged we create a great work/life balance for all.

Hire our first “Head of Talent & Staff Development” role to drive the development of our people. 


Focus on hiring, onboarding, retention, training, and development of our biggest assets.

Year end 30 June 2020 is our benchmark period and we will report on this baseline.  


During our employee engagement survey, the Group scored 4.83/7 for “Personal Growth”. For 2021 we will aim to beat that score. 



Our Governance policy deals with subjects that we strive to put focus on as our business develops and grows


Focus Why Measure of Success Year End 2021 Result
7 Sustainable Supply Chain

We want to make sure all our suppliers and partners are driving towards the same ESG standards that we commit to. By formal supplier onboarding we will ensure goal congruence with our supply chain.


First phase is to put focus on the supply chain and ensure standards are set. 


Second phase is to develop and improve the supply chain by leading change management. 

100% of suppliers with spend of over $100k per annum spend to have a contract with ESG compliance targets.   Year end 30 June 2021 will be set as our baseline.
8 Risk Management Shields are certified to ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001. By ensuring compliance with these standards we continue to examine our business risks and opportunities. Annual renewal of ISO certifications for each Shields site.  Year end 30 June 2020 is our benchmark period and we will report on this baseline.  
9 Open Book Transparency Shields always have and always will be completely open and honest with our customers. This integrity which we hold close will ensure continued working relations for many years to come in a partnership format. 

Open Book Policy. 


Customers have the right to audit Shields financial and environmental records with 24 hours’ notice. 

Year end 30 June 2020 is our benchmark period and we will report on this baseline.