Shields Environmental’s Give and Gain Day, Friday, 22nd June 2012

Rainham Marshes Nature Reserve, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Friday, 22nd June 2012.

A team of sixteen people from Shields Environmental Group helped the RSPB to clear areas of rank vegetation (thistle and ragwort) from breeding wader bird areas on the reserve. Rainham Marshes is owned by the RSPB and is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) because of the unique wildlife it supports, notably breeding waders (Lapwing and Redshank) which require a fine short sward for nesting.  Encroachment from thistle into these areas reduces the suitably for breeding birds and feeding habitat.  Our team cleared key areas, creating favorable conditions for wintering birds and breeding birds next year.

Give and gain 2012