Introducing GSMA Equipment Marketplace, powered by Shields

The partnership unlocking sustainability and savings in telecoms across the globe.


At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, we witnessed a pivotal moment for the telecoms industry. Our stand quickly became a bustling hub of activity, numerous attendees seeking us out, curiosity piqued by directives from their leaders to explore what our platform offers.

“Go and see Shields and find out what this revolution is all about” was the message from above.

The question on everyone’s lips was clear: can this Marketplace truly revolutionise cost savings and carbon emission reductions for our networks?

Spoiler alert: the answer’s a resounding yes.


Transforming telecoms with GSMA Equipment Marketplace

In a groundbreaking announcement, in collaboration with GSMA, we unveiled the GSMA Equipment Marketplace. This cloud-based platform is set to redefine the telecoms landscape, enabling networks to reuse, redeploy, and recycle assets efficiently and cost effectively. It’s not just about operational savings; it’s a bold step towards achieving the industry’s environmental sustainability goals.

The platform promises a seamless experience for its users, providing a global overview of available assets and equipment within their own network or on the wider market.

Its intuitive interface allows operators to easily search, source, and order the products they need or sell and recycle decommissioned equipment. The beauty lies in its simplicity and its profound impact on both financial sustainability and carbon footprint reduction, as proven over the last three years by the Vodafone group.


A testament to success: Vodafone’s experience

Don’t just take our word for it.

Over the last three years, global telecoms leader, Vodafone has been tackling ESG on the front lines, effectively leveraging their own Asset MarketPlace, powered by Shields, to make a significant impact. Vodafone has embraced this platform to streamline its network equipment management, realising significant revenue and savings while notably decreasing its carbon footprint at the same time.

Vodafone’s story is a powerful testament to MarketPlace’s potential to drive a more sustainable, cost-effective future for the telecoms industry. Now that GSMA’s 1,000 network members can also adopt it, we’re excited to anticipate faster and more impactful change, facilitated by the seamless connection of the global circular economy through the MarketPlace engine.

Here’s Ninian Wilson, Vodafone’s Global Supply Chain Director and CEO of Vodafone Procurement Company, talking about the change that MarketPlace has instigated at Vodafone:


Why Marketplace matters now more than ever

The telecoms industry is at a crossroads. With over 30 million tonnes of CO2e emissions annually attributed to network equipment manufacturing and site construction, the need for change is urgent. GSMA Equipment Marketplace is primed to make a substantial difference, enabling the industry to close the gap and move closer to its net zero ambition by 2050.

The platform is not just about reducing emissions; it’s a testament to our industry’s commitment to the circular economy. By reusing and recycling more, we not only save on costs but also minimise our reliance on raw materials, significantly lowering our environmental impact. The new revenue streams generated for networks through resale and recycling are just the cherries on top.


A sustainable future: our commitment – and yours

The launch of the GSMA Equipment Marketplace marks the beginning of a new era for telecoms network procurement and decommissioning. Our partnership with GSMA underscores our shared vision for a sustainable, financially viable telecoms industry.

As we move forward, our commitment remains unwavering. We’re dedicated to supporting our industry in reducing its carbon footprint, streamlining asset management, and achieving financial and environmental sustainability goals. Together, we can pave the way for a greener, more efficient future.

If you want to be part of the change, click below to book a free demo of GSMA Equipment Marketplace and we’ll start your sign-up process.

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Transform network asset management with GSMA Equipment Marketplace

So why do you really need GSMA Equipment Marketplace?

BUY – Source refurbished equipment at lower prices and with lower failure rates than new.

SELL – Generate revenue from excess hardware, selling to your own network and the wider market.

PLANET – Contribute to the circular economy, reduce CO2 emissions, meet ESG targets.

Wherever you’ve got equipment that has surpassed it’s useful lifespan, we’ll handle the recycling process for you. Forwarding you the carbon credits and revenue from all precious metals extracted too!


Book a call to get started!

The future of telecoms isn’t just greener; it’s more cost-effective and efficient, thanks to innovative solutions like GSMA Equipment Marketplace. Let’s embrace this change together.

For more information or help strategising how your network can revolutionise operations, streamline asset management and meet CAPEX, OPEX and ESG requirements in one fell swoop, book a call now.

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