Why MarketPlace


MarkePlace supplies hardware at one-third of the original equipment manufacturers price by intelligently sourcing assets based on best price and availability.

Revenue Generation

Additional revenue is generated when hardware supplied into MarketPlace is sold into your group companies, further reducing OPEX as you empty your warehouses.

Shorter Lead Times

Original equipment manufacturers on average take 12 weeks to supply unforecasted demand, MarketPlace averages just five weeks from PO receipted to delivery.

One-Year Warranty

All hardware supplied comes with a two-year warranty. You will be unable to tell the difference between new kit from the OEM and MarketPlace supplied hardware.

Data & Reporting

Data points give a clear understanding of whats being ordered, and environmental efficiency is driven by calculating the CO2 avoided from manufacturing new equipment.


MarketPlace smart shipping combines advanced grouping, active tracking and Delivery Duty Paid ensuring you get what you want, where you want, when you want.

Think of your favorite software applications, be they for shopping, connecting with friends, productivity or playing games. What do they all have in common? Typically, they will involve a simple and intuitive user interface that doesn’t require an IT certification to navigate, and many users which help the tool evolve and become more effective, bringing significant user uptake and participation. 

Telecom operators often lack these elements when trying to view, share or order equipment. Each of which is needed to grow or maintain their networks in the most efficient manner. 

Within large operator groups:

  • Networks/technology is changing at a fast pace
  • Operators have a significant number of vendors in the supply chain, with limited consistency between local entities
  • Each local entity may be using different ERP & WMS systems
  • Operators focus on delivering superior customer experience and hence demand more of vendors to manage their infrastructure efficiently.
  • There is no central platform for operators to view assets, enquire technical data or order equipment

Which can lead to:

  • Operators ordering incorrect parts
  • Delays in procurement decisions
  • Multiple SLA’s and credit terms to manage
  • Ordering out of ease, not what’s best for the network
  • Overpaying for equipment
  • Needless excess stock
  • Overly complex supply chains 

At Shields, we noticed the largest chain of hotels in the world does not own a single property, the world’s largest taxi company never has to change a flat tyre. MarketPlace gives telecom operators access to the world’s largest inventory and allows them to only make purchases when needed.  

Our customers need a collaborative model to reduce the risks of having only a limited number of infrastructure suppliers. They need to streamline the supply chain providing more choice and resilience. MarketPlace achieves this by looking at local, group, market and OEM stock. 

3 Step Operator Vision for MarketPlace:

  • Create a global digitalised virtual asset inventory
  • Enable telecom operators’ access to the world’s largest inventory encouraging purchasing only when needed
  • Enable visibility of those assets and answer the 3 buying rules:
    • Do we need it?
    • Can we afford it?
    • Can we get it lower cost and equal quality elsewhere?

MarketPlace enables the movement of those assets simply and quickly.

See how MarketPlace can lead your ESG strategy